Madhav Chavan & Rukmini Banerji in conversation with the Harvard Business School
In an interview with Harvard Business School, Rukmini Banerji, CEO, and Madhav Chavan, Co-founder of Pratham Education Foundation, trace Pratham's journey and…

The school of my dreams
This article was originally published by The Indian Express. You can read the full article here: ‘The school of my…

Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO of Pratham Education Foundation, about the success of ASER and more
ASER is a nationwide survey that captures the status of children's enrollment and learning outcomes in rural India every year.…

Nationwide summer campaigns can plug school education gaps
This article was co-written by Dr Rukmini Banerji(https://www.livemint.com/opinion/columns/prathams-summer-campaign-leveraging-youth-potential-to-close-learning-gaps-in-india-s-education-system-11687798840254.html) Although Pratham works in many states, a special “catch up” effort was…

‘सही समय पर उपयोगी आंकड़े मिलें तो दिशा दिखने लगती है’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://www.bhaskar.com/opinion/news/rukmini-banerjees-column-if-you-get-useful-data-at-the-right-time-then-you-can-see-the-direction-131292508.html) निपुण भारत के लक्ष्य…

Rukmini Banerji at the GSV+Emeritus India Summit.
Dr. Rukmini Banerji, the CEO of Pratham Education Foundation, was a keynote speaker at the GSV + Emeritus India Summit.…

Visit to Bihar Winter Camp
[kc_row use_container="yes" force="no" column_align="middle" video_mute="no" _id="991040"][kc_column width="12/12" video_mute="no" _id="46361"][embeddoc url="https://www.pratham.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Fun-with-English-Bihar.pdf"][kc_column_text _id="30399"] Naiyer Alam, State Head, Pratham Bihar wrote a gripping…

Visit to Odisha Winter Camp
It is ironic that those trying to effect change can themselves get affected along the way", wrote Karan Maira,…

What India needs to improve its education system post-pandemic
Dr Rukmini Banerji, CEO of Pratham Education Foundation, in conversation with Zubeda Hamid of The Hindu. She unpacks the ASER…

Impact of Connectivity on the Future of Education
Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO of Pratham was in conversation with Sara Goss from Ericsson in the debut episode of Tech…

Gautam Kumar of Bhithiharwa wins Bronze at the National Weightlifting Championships!
written by Ranajit Bhattacharyya, a Pratham veteran ‘I was happy winning the medal. Every sportsperson dreams of a podium finish.…

Welcoming the new year, with happy young girls!
Blog by Renu Seth, a Pratham veteran It has been my long-standing desire to travel to West Champaran in Bihar…

India’s early years mathematics curriculum: Continuity, discontinuity and progression
This article is written by Suman Bhattacharjea, Director of ASER Centre alongside others The original article was published by Ideas…

Foundation Building: A National Imperative for Education
This article is written by Rukmini Banerji, CEO, Pratham The original article was published by CII Foundation (https://ciifoundation.in/assets/img/newsletters/2022/all/Perspective_Issue-2.pdf) The goals…

Tracking learning outcomes: ASER’s work through the pandemic
The original article was published by Ideas for India (https://www.ideasforindia.in/videos/tracking-learning-outcomes-aser-s-work-through-the-pandemic1.html) Rukmini Banerji and Wilima Wadhwa discuss the role that the…

What’s the future of employment for India’s youth?
This article is written by Annette Francis from Pratham Skilling The original article was published by India Development Review (https://idronline.org/article/livelihoods/whats-the-future-of-employment-for-indias-youth/)…

Education : ce qu’il faut savoir sur la méthode indienne que le Maroc appliquera pour relever le niveau des élèves
The original article was published by TelQuel(https://mobile.telquel.ma/2022/09/21/rukmini-banerji-pdg-de-long-pratham-si-lon-ne-permet-pas-aux-enfants-de-rattraper-leurs-lacunes-le-developpement-dun-pays-est-impossible_1784950) En amont des deuxièmes Assises nationales du développement humain organisées le 19 septembre…

‘NEP 2020 recommends STEM education in schools but what about bottlenecks?’
This article is written by Annette Francis from Pratham Skilling The original article was published in The Print(https://theprint.in/yourturn/subscriberwrites-nep-2020-recommends-stem-education-in-schools-but-what-about-bottlenecks-enter-tvet/1071800/) STEM and…

‘Children First: Journal on Children’s Lives’
The second issue of “Children First: Journal on Children’s Lives” got published by Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights.…

The Plastic STORI (Plastic study of rural India)
The Plastic STORI (Plastic study of rural India) is a study conducted by Pratham, to understand different facets of the…

Covid learning loss has been a global disaster
The original article was published in The Economist(https://www.economist.com/international/2022/07/07/covid-learning-loss-has-been-a-global-disaster) Pratham’s catch up classes and Teaching at the Right Level featured in…

Pratham – Shah PraDigi Innovation Centre is selected as one of the winners of the Learning Engineering Tools Competition 2021-22
The YouthNet program of the Pratham – Shah PraDigi Innovation Centre is selected as one of the winners of this…

Bridging the Digital Divide through EdTech Capacity-building in Communities in India
This blog is jointly written by Kriti Mahtab and Pupul Lama, Associates at Pratham Digital (part of Pratham Education Foundation)…

‘To Recoup Learning Loss, Schools Should Focus On Catch-Up, Not Curriculum’
The original article was published in IndiaSpend(https://www.indiaspend.com/indiaspend-interviews/to-recoup-learning-loss-schools-should-focus-on-catch-up-not-curriculum-822073) In a recent interview with IndiaSpend, Dr Rukmini Banerji discussed what schools can…

‘The power of community as a catalyst to tackle disrupted learning’
This article is jointly written by Dr Rukmini Banerji, CEO, Pratham and Mr Asif Saleh, Executive Director, BRAC The original…

Interview with Farida Lambay, Pratham: Dealing with COVID’s toll on education in Mumbai
The original article was published in Citizen Matters(https://mumbai.citizenmatters.in/covid-education-schools-mumbai-pratham-interview-farida-lambey-32855) Citizen Matters spoke to Ms. Farida Lambay, Co-founder, Pratham on “Dealing with…

Kahani Train Campaign: Nayi Dhara-Rekhta-Pratham Education Foundation
“For a long time, I’ve had this dream that every child in India should be able to listen to one…

Second volume of ‘Learning at the Bottom of the Pyramid’
Learning, Marginalization, and Improving the Quality of Education in Low-Income Countries is now available online- https://books.openbookpublishers.com/10.11647/obp.0256.pdf Nishant Baghel and Annapoorni…

Summer Camp 2022 in West Bengal
Summer Camp 2022 in West Bengal – Volunteers of BankuraRanajit Bhattacharyya Ratri Mukherjee is a Pratham summer camp volunteer in Chatna…


Pandemic has hit learning, numerical abilities of children, says Rukmini Banerji of Pratham Foundation
The original article was published in Business Line (https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/education/pandemic-has-hit-learning-numerical-abilities-of-children-says-rukmini-banerji-of-pratham-foundation/article65370012.ece?fbclid=IwAR1T0bvWBQD6ogT9TfHIj4oSxrQE-jaTV_kPeeY_w4pPpQfRN_KFxSR5C3s) Dr Rukmini Banerji talks about the learning deficiencies students face as…

What Scales in Global Education. Plus Comment from Rukmini Banerji and Moses Oketch
The original article was published in Center for Global Development (https://www.cgdev.org/blog/what-scales-global-education-plus-comment-rukmini-banerji-and-moses-oketch) Instead of being seen as a one-off research study…

‘Leading Education: 10 questions with Dr Rukmini Banerji’
The original article was published in Teacher magazine India (https://www.teachermagazine.com/in_en/articles/leading-education-10-questions-with-dr-rukmini-banerji) As schools reopen after a long period of closure, Dr…

‘A model struggling to deliver’
This article was written by Avantika TharejaThe original article was published in The Hindu (https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/a-model-struggling-to-deliver/article65315485.ece) The Anganwadi model has been…

‘बच्चों का आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाएं’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe original article was published in Prabhat Khabar (https://www.prabhatkhabar.com/opinion/boost-childrens-confidence-article-by-rukmini-banerjee-srn) समझ के साथ पढ़ना,…

‘Tracing the journeys of India’s women economists and policymakers’
This article was written by Kadambari Shah & Shreyas NarlaThe original article was published in Scroll.in (https://scroll.in/article/1020656/?s=09) Women have largely…

‘बच्चों को स्कूलों के लिए तैयार कर रहे हैं ‘स्कूल रेडीनेस’ मेले’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://dainik-b.in/7e5kKPWYLob) इस साल पहली कक्षा…

‘The Indian NGO rewriting the global education playbook’
In a podcast episode of The Impact Room by Philanthropy Age, Pratham CEO Dr Rukmini Banerji talks about balancing inputs…

‘On Women’s Day, India Should Look to the Indefatigable Rukmini Banerji’
'On Women's Day, India Should Look to the Indefatigable Rukmini Banerji' This article was written by Anjuli Bhargava The…

‘बच्चों की बुनियाद मजबूत करना है तो घर-स्कूल में अनेक गतिविधियां करें’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://dainik-b.in/zGypSLDzHnb) स्कूल के लिए तैयार…

Education survey: Kids have to ‘warm up’, older must ‘catch up’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe original article was published in The Telegraph (https://www.telegraphindia.com/amp/west-bengal/education-survey-youngest-kids-have-to-warm-up-and-those-older-have-to-catch-up/cid/1851779) The pandemic and its…

‘छह की उम्र से शुरू होती है औपचारिक शिक्षा; बच्चों के दाखिले में जल्दबाजी ‘लर्निंग डेफिसिट’ पैदा न कर दे’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://dainik-b.in/wMGFXAZHnnb) पहली कक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम…

Talking life skills with Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO, Pratham Education Foundation and Geeta Goel from Michael & Susan Dell Foundation India, LLP
The original article was published by The CSR Journal (https://thecsrjournal.in/life-skills-geeta-goel-dell-foundation-india-rukmini-banerji-pratham/) It is useful to think of three strands – “learning…

Let’s ‘Start at the Very Beginning’: Rukmini Banerji on the Need to Focus on FLN in 2022-23
The original article was published by Central Square Foundation (https://centralsquarefoundation.org/articles/rukmini-banerji-on-the-need-to-focus-on-FLN-in-2022-23.html) This is the right time to imagine what the new…

‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: 7 years on, Time to Focus on Quality and Not Enrolment’
This article was written by Medha Uniyal The original article was published in The Quint (https://www.thequint.com/neon/gender/beti-bachao-beti-padhao-five-years-later) India’s gender inequality gap…

‘स्कूल के तीसरे सत्र पर संकट की आहट; सीखने-सिखाने की प्रक्रिया बच्चे के हिसाब से तय हो’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://bit.ly/dainikbhaskar_DrBanerji) बच्चे की रुचि, उनके…

New Thoughts. New Directions.
After almost twenty-two months of coping with the pandemic, as we step into the new year, three perspectives seem to…

‘India needs a realistic model of education to raise employment’
‘India needs a realistic model of education to raise employment’ This article was written by Annette FrancisThe original article was…

‘परीक्षा के सिस्टम में सिरे से बदलाव बेहद ज़रूरी’
‘परीक्षा के सिस्टम में सिरे से बदलाव बेहद ज़रूरी’ The original articles were published in Rajasthan Patrika after they interviewed…

‘बच्चों के बेहतर भविष्य के लिए नई सीख का सहारा लेकर नए रास्ते बनाने होंगे’
‘बच्चों के बेहतर भविष्य के लिए नई सीख का सहारा लेकर नए रास्ते बनाने होंगे’ This article was written by…

Today I am going to tell you the story of a little school by a river. Thanks to my work,…

IDEA 2030 Conclave to build upon data from ASER Digital Check 2020
The ASER Digital Check 2020 sought to analyze data on learning and accessibility collected via the pan-India ASER 2020 survey…

‘Covid effect: Changes in schooling of rural India’
‘Covid effect: Changes in schooling of rural India’ This article was written by Dr Rukmini Banerji and Dr Wilima WadhwaThe…

‘स्कूल में समय बिताना अच्छा लगे तो बच्चों की उपस्थिति में समस्या नहीं होगी’
'स्कूल में समय बिताना अच्छा लगे तो बच्चों की उपस्थिति में समस्या नहीं होगी' This article was written by Dr…

‘ASER 2021 has insights on how schools can respond to post-Covid world’
‘ASER 2021 has insights on how schools can respond to post-Covid world’ This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe…

2021 Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development awarded to Pratham
We are honored to share that the International Jury of the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament, and Development, chaired…

‘‘असर’ की ताजा रिपोर्ट ने रखे जमीनी हालात; स्कूली शिक्षा बेहतर करने में आंकड़े होते हैं मददगार’
'‘असर’ की ताजा रिपोर्ट ने रखे जमीनी हालात; स्कूली शिक्षा बेहतर करने में आंकड़े होते हैं मददगार' This article was…

The sixteenth Annual Status of Education Report (Rural) 2021 released
The sixteenth Annual Status of Education Report (Rural) 2021 released The 16th Annual Status of Education Report (Rural) 2021 or…

Like an arrow, the highway from Raipur runs straight south. Malls and shops, gated communities, fancy buildings and marriage gardens…

Pratham among 34 Initiatives Worldwide to Receive Funding Support from Google.org Impact Challenge
We are thrilled to announce that Pratham Education Foundation has been selected as one of the 34 initiatives worldwide, which…

‘विद्यालयों और गांवों के अनोखे प्रयास; हमारे स्कूलों के लिए सपना जो बन सकता है हकीकत’
'विद्यालयों और गांवों के अनोखे प्रयास; हमारे स्कूलों के लिए सपना जो बन सकता है हकीकत' This article was written…

‘Celebrating Pratham’
‘Celebrating Pratham’ This article was written by Kim StarkeyThe original article was published in Forbes (https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimjonker/2021/10/28/celebrating-pratham/?sh=7a0312104d60) Indeed, Pratham has a…

‘यह तय हो कि 16 साल तक की आयु तक क्या करना और सोचना आना चाहिए; 10वीं तक की शिक्षा-परीक्षा अब ऐसी होनी चाहिए’
‘यह तय हो कि 16 साल तक की आयु तक क्या करना और सोचना आना चाहिए; 10वीं तक की शिक्षा-परीक्षा…

A Range of Emotions
With most schools being shut for 500 days, travelling to different states for field visits remained a distant reality for…

The journey continues: helping children ‘Catch-up’ in rural Bengal
Blog by Ranajit Bhattacharyya, a Pratham veteran Last afternoon was a disaster. The heavy traffic which we encountered leaving Kolkata, continues…

‘Tara’s Eighth Birthday Story’
‘Tara’s Eighth Birthday Story’ This article was written by Dr Rukmini BanerjiThe original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://www.bhaskar.com/opinion/news/the-story-of-the-stories-of-tara-teach-and-tell-stories-to-children-this-is-the-best-gift-128995863.html)…

‘Learning with Mothers: Mobiles, Motivation, and Measurement. Early Childhood Education Interventions in Pratham’
'Learning with Mothers: Mobiles, Motivation, and Measurement. Early Childhood Education Interventions in Pratham' This article was written by Varsha Hari…

Pratham CEO Dr. Rukmini Banerji awarded the 2021 Yidan Prize for Education Development
28th September 2021 Pratham CEO Dr. Rukmini Banerji has been awarded the 2021 Yidan Prize for Education Development – the…

‘Covid-19 and mental health: Are children ready to go back to school?’
‘Covid-19 and mental health: Are children ready to go back to school?’ This article was written by Dr Wilima Wadhwa…

A trip to Haroa: Field visit in COVID-19 times
Blog by Ranajit Bhattacharyya, a Pratham veteran It is past 6 am in the morning. Manoj and I are on our…

‘स्कूली पढ़ाई की बुनियाद मजबूत करने का समय’
'स्कूली पढ़ाई की बुनियाद मजबूत करने का समय' This article was written by Dr Rukmini Banerji The original article was…

‘बच्चे बातचीत कर, चर्चा कर किताब पढ़ते-समझते हैं तो उम्र या कक्षा को पीछे छोड़ देते हैं, बच्चों के लिए पढ़ाई के साथ बातचीत और गपशप भी जरूरी’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini Banerji The original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://www.bhaskar.com/opinion/news/when-children-read-and-understand-a-book-by-talking-discussing-then-leaving-age-or-class-behind-conversation-and-gossip-are-also-necessary-for-children-along-with-studies-128950896.html) किताब और कहानियों…

‘पहली कक्षा से पहले की पढ़ाई भी बच्चों के लिए बेहद जरूरी है, कोरोना से पूर्व-प्राथमिक शिक्षा हुई प्रभावित’
This article was written by Dr Rukmini Banerji The original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://www.bhaskar.com/opinion/news/education-before-first-grade-is-also-very-important-for-children-pre-primary-education-affected-by-corona-128902114.html) कम उम्र…

View: As India plans to reopen classrooms, ‘teaching the children’ must replace ‘teaching the curriculum’
The article was published in The Economic Times. Read more at:https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/opinion/et-commentary/view-as-india-plans-to-reopen-classrooms-teaching-the-children-must-replace-teaching-the-curriculum/articleshow/85634837.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst “Focus on where children are today, and help them…

महामारी से बढ़ी परेशानी, किस उम्र में मिले कैसी शिक्षा, बच्चों के विकास की बुनियाद पर ध्यान दें
This article was written by Rukmini Banerji The original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar (https://www.bhaskar.com/opinion/news/the-problem-increased-due-to-the-epidemic-what-kind-of-education-did-you-get-at-what-age-pay-attention-to-the-foundation-of-childrens-development-128851921.html?fbclid=IwAR1wF3YbUvlhlHgl-gWAEXgh2ym5Nuy81QRsh2tJVo-yqIeI7IyYAXdsDqI) “आज जिस बच्चे का…

View: As India plans to reopen classrooms, ‘teaching the children’ must replace ‘teaching the curriculum’
This article was first published in The Economic Times. It has been co-authored by our CEO Rukmini Banerji and Nobel-laureate…

The lessons learned from our women’s hockey team can show a new direction to our education system, a letter to the women’s hockey team of India!
Dr Rukmini Banerji’s column in Dainik Bhaskar: The lessons learned from our women’s hockey team can show a new direction…

‘Schools Must Reopen For Children’s Mental Wellbeing, To Narrow Digital Learning Gap’
How do we address the problem of children being out of school for more than 18-months? From rebuilding the basics…

To reopen schools, India must go local
“The time to act is now!” An insightful co-authored article by Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO of Pratham and Yamini Aiyar,…

महामारी के दौर से गुजर चुके बच्चों के मन की बात सुनें, यह जानना-समझना बहुत जरूरी है कि बच्चों के मन और सोच पर क्या असर हुआ है?
This article was written by Rukmini Banerji The original article was published in Dainik Bhaskar https://www.bhaskar.com/opinion/news/listen-to-the-mind-of-the-children-who-have-gone-through-the-epidemic-it-is-very-important-to-know-what-has-been-the-effect-on-the-mind-and-thinking-of-the-children-128605999.html कोई शहर, कोई गांव,…

Catch-up is a long-pending, low-hanging fruit: Dr. Rukmini Banerji
The article titled ‘India’s schools ‘cannot pick up where they left off’ after Covid’ focuses on the impact of school…

There’s a lot of potential to use various mediums to help underprivileged kids: Dr. Rukmini Banerji
Dr. Rukmini Banerji was quoted in this Forbes India article that talks about the flip side of digital learning…

Pratham’s TaRL approach features in The Economist
Pratham's Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach was recently featured in The Economist. The article titled 'Covid-19 creates…

परीक्षा किताबों तक ही सीमित न रहे, इसे भविष्य में काम आने वाले हुनर से भी जोड़ना चाहिए: रुक्मिणी बनर्जी
10 साल स्कूल में बिताकर हमारे बच्चे क्या सीखते हैं? आने वाले जीवन और आजीविका के लिए स्कूली शिक्षा…

Pratham & Liver Foundation join hands to strengthen primary education in 22 villages
Pratham Education Foundation and Liver Foundation have collaborated for an initiative called Pora Lekha (পড়া–লেখা) to strengthen the primary education system in 22…

Pratham wins the Indian Chamber of Commerce Social Impact Award 2021
Pratham's vocational training program, Pratham Institute, has won the Indian Chamber of Commerce Social Impact Award 2021 in the 'Employment-enhancing…

शिक्षा का स्तर कोरोना के पहले भी संतोषजनक नहीं, अब किताबें दूर रख बुनियादी पढ़ाई मजबूत करनी होगी
शिक्षा का स्तर कोरोना के पहले भी संतोषजनक नहीं, अब किताबें दूर रख बुनियादी पढ़ाई मजबूत करनी होगी: रुक्मिणी बनर्जी…

रुक्मिणी बनर्जी का कॉलम:इस साल स्कूलों का खुलना उत्सव की तरह मनाया जाए, बच्चों और टीचर्स को साथ बिताने के लिए वक्त मिले
बच्चे एक चुनौतीपूर्ण समय के बाद स्कूल जा रहें हैं| हर कक्षा में इस नई शुरुआत का जश्न मनाना ज़रूरी…

How can formative assessment foster learning as schools reopen?
This blog was originally posted on the UNICEF blog website and can be found here: https://blogs.unicef.org/evidence-for-action/how-can-assessment-foster-learning-as-schools-reopen/ During COVID-19 related school…

World Bank Guide Features Pratham’s Remote Learning Solution
Pratham’s remote learning work during lockdown has been featured as a case study in a recent guide by the World…

Developing Contextualized Life Skills Interventions in Conflict-Affected Areas: Lessons from Jammu and Kashmir, India
By Samriddhi Vij and Yashila Singh Link to the original article https://reach.gse.harvard.edu/blogs/migration-displacement/series/developing-contextualized-life-skills-interventions-in-conflict-affected-areas-lessons-from-jammu-and-kashmir-india Conflict-affected areas are often marked by great uncertainty.…

Rethinking Education: Post Pandemic Opportunities from Education Leaders
“In the crisis, the ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘who’, and ‘when’ of our #education systems has changed; we need to leverage the…

Migrant workers have returned to India’s cities – but they are even more vulnerable now
In this article for Scroll, Pratham Institute’s Annette Francis and Medha Uniyal discuss the different forms of worker vulnerability in…

Creating Impact Through Shared Purpose:Pratham’s ADP India CSR Programme
The Indian School of Business has done a case commentary on Pratham and ADP partnership. Pratham CEO Dr. Rukmini Banerji’s…

Even before reopening, schools should involve parents & convince them to send children back: Rukmini Banerji
Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO, Pratham Education Foundation, is quoted in this in-depth article by Indiaspend that covers various aspects of…

Understanding the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on Migrant Construction Workers in India
Between June 2020 and August 2020, Neev – a multi-stakeholder consortium working to improve worker welfare in the Indian construction…

Pratham Education Foundation and StoryWeaver join hands to share the joy of reading on Children’s Day
Pratham Education Foundation and StoryWeaver (an initiative of Pratham Books, a not-for-profit publisher) announced their partnership on Nov 14, 2020…

ASER 2020 Wave 1 findings released on Oct 28, 2020
India’s largest phone-based survey on children’s learning releases with ASER 2020 Wave 1 The Annual Survey of Education Report 2020…

Pratham’s TaRL approach listed as ‘Good Buy’ to improve learning in low- and middle-income countries
Pratham’s Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach has been listed as a ‘good buy’ to improve learning in low-…

Pratham’s TaRL approach features in the White Paper by Save Our Future
Pratham’s Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach was featured prominently in the joint white paper launched by the Save Our…

Samyukta Subramanian (Pratham Education Foundation) Speaks on the National Education Policy 2020
A discussion on how the NEP re-imagines early childhood education. Samyukta Subramanian (Pratham Education Foundation) and Nisha Vernekar (Inclusive Education,…

How smoothly can schools “unlock”? | The Hindu In Focus podcast
BY ZUBEDA HAMID Appeared in “The Hindu” on October 12, 2020 View main podcast In this podcast with The Hindu,…

Women’s Leadership in the Development Sector
This report includes insights from Rukmini Banerji, CEO, Pratham, on the work culture at the organisation. Rukmini also talks about…

The freedom to get an education
Despite technological advancements, close to half the country’s children don’t have access to knowledge and learning, even when they go…

क्या नई शिक्षा नीति के सही तरह लागू होने के बाद असर की रिपोर्ट में वो बातें नहीं होंगी जो आज तक हम सुनते आए हैं? – प्रथम की सीईओ डॉ. रुक्मिणी बनर्जी की राय
अक्सर नीतियाँ काग़ज़ पर तो अच्छी होती हैं, लेकिन लागू कैसे और कब होती है ये सबसे बड़ा चैलेंज है।…

How Schools Can Make Up For Learning Loss When They Reopen: Lessons From A UP Study
Mumbai: Schools, when they reopen, must focus on foundational skills among children–basic reading and arithmetic–to make up for the learning…

An Expert Explains: How Covid has hit learning
Written by Rukmini Banerji Original article appeared in The Indian Express on 27 July 2020: https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-how-covid-has-hit-learning-6524830/ What has the prolonged…

ICAN – International Common Assessment of Numeracy
Pratham’s very first ASER survey was implemented fifteen years ago this year. Since 2005, the ASER report has been released…

Pratham mentioned in UNICEF Guidance on learning continuity
Pratham mentioned in UNICEF Guidance on learning continuity UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia has developed guidance on learning continuity…

TaRL and Pratham’s background paper in UNESCO’s GEM Report 2020
TaRL and Pratham’s background paper in UNESCO’s GEM Report 2020 The Global Education Monitoring report released by UNESCO has a…

“We need to involve the local community in education”
“We need to involve the local community in education” P Anima in conversation with Dr. Wilima Wadhwa, Director, ASER Centre…

Turning Our Education Crisis Into Opportunity: Lessons From High-Performing Nonprofits
Turning Our Education Crisis Into Opportunity: Lessons From High-Performing Nonprofits The original article was published in Forbes on May 29,…

‘It’s Not A Problem If Schools Are The Last To Open’
‘It’s Not A Problem If Schools Are The Last To Open’ The original article was published in IndiaSpend on May…

CONNECTING THE DISCONNECTED In the midst of COVID-19, EdTech has become the need of the hour. Here are five ways…

Once schools reopen, help children reconnect I Opinion
Once schools reopen, help children reconnect I Opinion Original article was published in Hindustan Times on May 16, 2020 https://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/once-schools-reopen-help-children-reconnect/story-cFseFHmp3g3doP6NokcqgJ.html…

Economy and society will not be the same after pandemic retreats
Economy and society will not be the same after pandemic retreats The need for learning skills that will help to…

Connecting to children & communities in a time of crisis: Pratham initiative for fun & learning
THE SITUATION TODAY The number of children, youth and adults not attending schools or educational institutions because of COVID-19 has been…

Pratham’s measures in light of COVID-19
Dear Friends, Like everyone else across the globe, at Pratham, we are learning a lot of new things in…

Pratham: a movement, born in India, spreading in Botswana and beyond
by Noam Angrist, Moitshepi Matsheng, Thato Letsomo, and Sunshine Ntshambiwa, leaders of Young 1ove, one of the largest youth NGOs…

Launch of Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2019 ‘Early Years’
The fourteenth Annual Status of Education Report (ASER 2019) ‘Early Years’ was released on 14 January 2020 in New Delhi.…

Catching Up in Kazungula
From 27-28 January 2020, Rukmini Banerji (CEO, Pratham) visited Zambia with the TaRL Africa Board of Directors to see the…

Breaking Superstitions with Science: How we engaged youth to generate scientific curiosity in villages
An eclipse is associated with many superstitions in India. To counter such superstitions and generate scientific curiosity among people, especially…