This is an annual survey that aims to provide reliable annual estimates of children’s schooling status and basic learning levels for each state and rural district in India. ASER has been conducted every year since 2005 in almost all rural districts of India. See the ASER over the years page for details of coverage each year. 

ASER is the largest citizen-led survey in India. It is also the only annual source of information on children’s learning outcomes available in India today.

Where is ASER conducted? Who is surveyed?

Unlike most other large-scale learning assessments, ASER is a household-based rather than school-based survey. This design enables all children to be included – those who have never been to school or have dropped out, as well as those who are in government schools, private schools, religious schools or anywhere else.

In each rural district, 30 villages are sampled. In each village, 20 randomly selected households are surveyed. This process generates a total of 600 households per district, or about 300,000 households for the country as a whole. Approximately 600,000 children in the age group 3-16 who are resident in these households are surveyed. See the Sampling page for more information.

What information is collected?

• Information on schooling status is collected for all children in the age group 3-16 living in sampled households. 

• Children in the age group 5-16 are tested in basic reading and basic arithmetic. The same test is administered to all children. The highest level of reading tested corresponds to what is expected in Std 2; in 2012 this test was administered in 16 regional languages. The highest level of arithmetic tested corresponds to what is expected in Std 3 or 4, depending on the state. See the Tools & Testing page for the ASER reading and math tools.

• Every year, some additional tests are also administered. These vary from year to year. In 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2014, for example, children were tested in basic English. In 2011 they were tested on their ability to solve everyday math problems. See the ASER over the years page for a summary of assessment tasks each year.

• In addition, basic household information is collected every year. In recent years this has included household size, parental education, and some information on household assets. See the ASER over the years page for a summary of domains covered each year.

• In 2005, 2007, and every year since 2009, ASER has included a visit to one government primary school in each sampled village. Basic information is collected on school infrastructure, enrollment, attendance, teachers and fund flows. Since 2010, ASER has tracked selected Right to Education (RTE) indicators as well.

More Information

Access ASER 2022 report

For more information, visit www.asercentre.org

Write to contact@asercentre.org for queries