GUIDED TOUR THROUGH PRATHAM: Education programs for the Elementary school age group.
QUICK WATCH: Short general videos to give you a feel of Pratham.
Overall view of Pratham programs: Two very short videos which give you a quick feel for Pratham’s work in education This is a short film about Pratham’s teaching approach and also talks about the spread of the work to Africa. The making of the film has been supported by the Skoll Foundation.
Overall view of Pratham programs
This second video was made by the LUI Chi Woo prize committee for viewing at the award event in Hong Kong in October 2018. It provides a quick glimpse of the key Pratham programs.
LUI Chi Woo prize video
Change over time: Follow former Pratham students to see where they are today.
From Rajasthan: About Meera
From Uttar Pradesh: Learner’s Reunion
Teaching-Learning videos: Two videos which show you the key elements of our teaching-learning approach • For
For Grades 3-5: CAMaL video
For Grades 1-2:
Pratham-government partnerships for improving learning: For understanding how we work in partnership with governments to improve learning outcomes across districts or states. This is a short film from 2013 in Bihar. Padho Jehanabad:
Bihar – Padho Jehanabad
From the ASER (Annual Status of Education Report) effort: Here are three films based on recent reports. The first two are from ASER 2018 and the third from ASER 2017:.
ASER 2018 National findings
ASER 2018: Behind the scenes with ASER
ASER 2017: Stories of Youth
DEEP DIVE: Articles/Papers on Pratham’s education programs.
Pratham’s Teaching Learning approach Click here to read
Evidence in Practice series: Pratham’s Teaching at the Right Level, Yale School of Management  Click here to read
Published articles in peer reviewed journals
These are longer and more academic but will give you a sense of the depth of the work:
Journal of Educational Change article  Click here to read
This article outlines the evolution of our teaching-learning approach as well as the development of the implementation models over time.
Mainstreaming an effective intervention Click here to read
This paper gives a quick overview and summary of the external evidence (via randomized control trials) that has been collected over time.
Books featuring Pratham
Engine of Impact: Essentials of Strategic Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector Click here to read
Kim Jonker and Bill Meehan, Stanford University Press, 2017
Millions Learning: Scaling up quality education in developing countries  Click here to read
Jenny Perlman, Rebecca Winthrop and Eileen McGiveny. Brookings Institution. Washington DC. 2016
Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Poverty See the Chapter on Education  Click here to read
Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, Random House, 2011